Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bike Riding Lessons with Grandpa...

My dad is a car guy through and through.
But his second biggest interest has wheels too!
For as long as I can remember, bikes were a big part of our lives.
Dad fixed bikes, assembled bikes, restored bikes, rode bikes,
and taught us all how to ride as well.

I think I was four when he taught me how to ride.
I rode that bike EVERYWHERE for countless hours of my childhood.

When I outgrew the little banana seated bicycle, dad restored a
10 speed for me, complete with the metallic "sparkly" sky blue finish I wanted.
I rode that bike for miles and miles through neighborhoods, back roads, city streets,
to visit relatives on the other side of town, my mom at work, and all over tarnation.

We rode our bikes on miles of bike trail along the ocean at Colt State Park.
We took them on the ferry, and rode them all over Martha's Vineyard.
Then... I discovered boys.

Years later, when I discovered the right boy, he had a motorcycle.
Like other childhood treasures, my bike was left behind. Way behind.

After we got married, and had our twins, we rode bikes a bit with baby carriers.
That's when I realized I left my muscle tone and lung capacity behind too.

My husband enjoyed more adventuresome bike riding with toddlers in the carrier.
Then the arthritis in his hips betrayed him.

We lived at the top of a steep hill as our oldest children grew.
Our yard was a steep hill.
Bike riding wasn't the easiest endeavor.

Long story short, our kids have always had bikes, but they seldom use them.
Grandpa is on a mission to resolve that!
He has been oiling, filling tires, adjusting handlebars, etc.
Each day, another grandchild accompanies him for some riding lessons.

Jake was happy to be the student Saturday.
Yes, Yes. That IS his sister's Disney Princess bike.
But he DOES have his Spider Man helmet on!!! LOL
I guess I know what the little guy needs for his birthday :)

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